Business Process Simulator is a web application of simulation software class for the analysis of business processes.
Purpose of the Service
- Search for bottlenecks in the business process where lack of resources or of performers;
- Evaluation of the resource utilization such as performers of the business process functions;
- Estimation of cost of a process instance;
- Determination of the actual operation time from task statement until its completion;
- Testing of "What-Ifs" hypotheses – what specifically is affected by quantitative and qualitative changes of the input process parameters.

Key Benefits
- Simple visual modeling of business processes in EPC notation;
- Discrete-event simulation of the workflow at any time interval;
- Monitoring and analysis of the data on real-time dynamic simulation with events log, dashboard and reports;
- Estimation of execution cost of business processes for drawing up of ABS-cost driver;
- Import BPMN 2.0 models and Visio Diagrams;
- Export models and charts to PNG images;
- Google Drive™ and OneDrive support;
- Multilanguage interface and models (English, Russian, French and Spanish);
- Ability to work offline.
Principle of operation of business simulation doesn’t differ from existing analogues: business activity is first "drawn" (modeled) on the working canvas (workspace) gradually filling previously known business activity parameters and then the process of online business simulation starts whereupon the data required to analyze the efficiency of the business process is calculated.
This reference guide helps to learn how to use the application’s controls and perform a full cycle of operations on modeling and analysis of the business processes. As the development of the service progresses, this guide is brought up to date by adding new materials.